Am I eligible to immigrate to Manitoba?
Visit to determine whether you are eligible to immigrate to Manitoba. This will ensure you do not waste your time, money and effort applying to the CMLTM in the event you are not eligible to immigrate to Manitoba.
The immigration process can take a long time. It is separate from the CMLTM process. It is recommended that you apply for immigration and registration at the same time.
Manitoba Careers for International Educated Professionals Program
The Manitoba Careers for Internationally Educated Professionals (IEPs) Program supports internationally educated professionals towards their goal of working in their professional field in Manitoba.
It provides non-repayable financial assistance to help IEPs with assessment and training costs while pursuing registration in one of Manitoba’s 28 non-nursing self-regulated professions. For more information, visit the website.
Supporting Employment and Economic Development (SEED) Winnipeg
SEED provides accessible, low interest loans to assist skilled immigrants in Manitoba with qualification recognition, upgrading and/or training needed for employment in the fields for which they have education and experience obtained outside of Canada. For more information, visit SEED Winnipeg.