CMLTM Frequently Asked Questions
What is a profession?
A profession requires special education, knowledge, and skill. Most professions have a code of professional conduct which governs the conduct of members in their relationships with clients, employees, employers, colleagues, and the public.
What is professional regulation?
Professional regulation refers to all legitimate and appropriate means (governmental, professional, and private) whereby order, consistency, identity, and control are brought to the profession.
The profession and its members are defined; the scope of practice is determined; standards of education, and of ethical and competent practice are set; and systems of accountability are established through these means.
Once I have a Certificate to Practice, are there any other professional obligations?
Individual members are responsible for practicing in accordance with the Standards of Practice, abiding by the Code of Ethics and Practice Directives, and for keeping current and competent throughout their careers.
What are the benefits of professional self-regulation?
- Self-regulating status allows the profession of Medical Laboratory Technology to hold the profession accountable for the actions of its registrants as they relate to public safety;
- A well-managed College will increase public confidence in the profession; and
- This responsibility will increase the visibility and credibility of the profession in the eyes of both the public and other self-regulating health care professions.
Does licensing protect the profession or the public?
The purpose of a regulatory college is to serve and protect the public interest. However, in doing that, it may enhance the public awareness of, and confidence in, Medical Laboratory Technology as a profession.
How will the College protect the public?
The CMLTM will protect the public by establishing standards which those who wish to practice as Medical Laboratory Technologists must follow. Examples include: requirement regarding minimum number of hours practiced, continuing education requirements, and procedures for complaints and discipline.
What is the disciplinary procedure? Am I "guilty until proven innocent" or "innocent until proven guilty"?
The standard is always "innocent until proven guilty". The disciplinary procedure is set out in the Act and Regulations. The College will have both a Complaints Committee and a Disciplinary Committee - allegations are investigated by the Complaints Committee and that Committee may take certain actions if the complaint is substantiated. One of the actions is to refer the matter to the Inquiry Committee which then must hold a formal hearing.
Will an MLT get paid during the disciplinary procedure?
This would be at the employer's discretion.
When MLTs become licensed will MLTs be paid more?
The aim of the College is to serve and protect the public interest. The College does not deal with remuneration issues.
What is the difference between "right to title" and "right to practice"?
The title "Medical Laboratory Technologist" cannot be used by anyone not meeting the qualifications set out in the Act and Registered with the CMLTM with a valid Certificate to Practice. There is no such term as "right to practice". An "exclusive scope of practice" means that only a Medical Laboratory Technologist may perform certain duties. The Act protects use of the title Medical Laboratory Technologist. It does not grant MLTs an exclusive scope of practice.
Is it the responsibility of an MLT to report a fellow MLT that is not competent?
As per the Act, it is your professional duty to advise the Registrar if you have reason to believe that a fellow technologist has a physical or mental condition which would make them unfit to continue to practice, or that their practice should be restricted. As per the Act, an employer is required to notify the Registrar when there is termination of an MLT's employment relating to incompetence, an incapacity or lack of fitness to practice, or any similar reason. The person who discloses such information is not subject to liability, unless it is demonstrated that they have acted maliciously.
What are the pros and cons of being licensed/self-regulated?
The establishment of the CMLTM is a direct result of requests from the Medical Laboratory Technologist community.
The positive aspects of self-regulation include:
- title protection and public protection, both of which may enhance both the visibility and credibility of the profession.
Some people may decide that the fees associated with membership in the CMLTM is a negative. However, we hope that the positives will out-weigh the negative in minds of the majority of Medical Laboratory Technologists.
Will the employer pay my licensing fees?
That is a decision to be made by each employer individually. However, it is quite possible that your fees will be your responsibility as a practicing professional.
Who will pay for the CE that is required for self-regulation?
Continuing education opportunities may come from a variety of sources (the professional association, CSMLS, MAMLS, employer). There may or may not be a cost associated with these opportunities. In some instances, the cost may be borne through your fees to either the CSMLS or MAMLS. In other instances, there may be a fee associated with attendance.
Will time off be given for CE?
That is up to the employer, and may depend upon their ability to cover absences for this purpose.
How will I know what type of courses, lectures, etc. are applicable to my CE credits? What happens if I do not meet the required number of CE credits?
The Continuing Competency Committee will be posting guidelines regarding the CE requirements and process on the website very shortly.
How is this different from the MAMLS?
The mission of the MAMLS is to provide advocacy for the profession of medical laboratory technology. The mission of CMLTM is to serve and protect the public interest.
Do I have to be a provincial member, CSMLS member, AND a College member?
Membership in the College is mandatory in order for you to call yourself a Medical Laboratory Technologist. Membership in MAMLS and CSMLS is voluntary, though many technologists will find it advantageous to be members of both. Remember, the Act requires Practicing MLTs to have $2,000,000.00 in Professional Liability Insurance which is provided with CSMLS membership.
What happens if I have been out of the workforce for a long time period?
You may still maintain your registration as inactive or retired. However, you will have to ensure, prior to returning to active practice, that you have met any continuing competency requirements as set out by the CMLTM.
What happens if I only want to work casual?
That is your choice. However, you must still maintain avtive registration in the CMLTM in order to use the title Medical Laboratory Technologist.
How does this affect students in the training program? Will they be able to work, doing technologist work, before they have written and passed their exams?
There is provision in the Act for registration as a student.
During the clinical part of the training program they must be registered with the CMLTM in the student category. They are then permitted to perform Medical Laboratory procedures under the direct on site supervision of a Medical Laboratory Technologist with a valid Certificate to Practice.